
The Linked Data for Libraries Project: A Progress Report

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Version 3 2015-08-19, 14:14
Version 2 2015-08-18, 17:23
Version 1 2015-08-18, 16:10
posted on 2015-08-19, 14:14 authored by Dean Kraft, Jon Corson-Rikert
We will report on the first eighteen months of the Mellon-funded two-year Linked Data for Libraries (LD4L) project ( LD4L is a partnership of Cornell University Library, Stanford University Libraries, and the Harvard Library Innovation Lab. The goal of the project is to use Linked Open Data to leverage the intellectual value that librarians and other domain experts and scholars add to information resources when they describe, annotate, organize, select, and use those resources, together with the social value evident from patterns of usage. The project is producing an ontology, architecture, and set of tools that work both within and across individual institutions in an extensible network. 

This progress report will describe the LD4L use cases, which focus on linking data about library bibliographic resources for well-described assets (the catalog) with other silos of information, including people’s scholarly profiles (from VIVO, Harvard Faculty Finder, and Stanford CAP), curation and annotation data, and information about usage. We will describe the current state of the LD4L ontology, and how it addresses these use cases. The ontology includes elements of BIBFRAME, VIVO-ISF, OAI-ORE, PAV, and others, and it makes use of a number of standard global identifiers, including VIAF, ORCID, ISNI, and OCLC Works. 

We will also report on the outcomes of the LD4L workshop, which brought together fifty linked data experts at Stanford in late February 2015 and provided extensive feedback on the use cases, ontology design, and engineering work to date. Finally, we will describe the engineering work both planned and completed on converting bibliographic, person, curation, and usage data to shareable linked data from our three institutions; making that data available as linked open data on the web; and creating a demonstration search across the scholarly resources at Cornell, Harvard, and Stanford.
